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工程造价咨询  Engineering Cost Consulting

●  建设工程工程量清单、控制价、投标报价的编制、审核;
    The construction project quantity list, price control, bid preparation, audit;

●  工程洽商、变更及合同争议的鉴定与索赔;
    Identification and engineering change and claim negotiation and contract disputes;

●  建设项目全过程造价管理服务;
    Service the whole process of cost management of the construction projects;

●  编制工程造价计价依据及对工程造价进行监控和提供有关工程造价信息资料;
    The preparation of project cost    valuation basis and the project cost for the project cost monitoring and provide relevant information;

●  与工程造价有关的其他业务。
    Other related business and engineering cost.


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