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●  土地咨询;
    Land consulting;

●  土地整治项目可行性研究;
    The feasibility study of land consolidation project;

●  土地整治项目规划设计及预算编制;
    The land consolidation project planning and budgeting;

●  土地整治项目施工设计;
    The design and construction of land remediation projects;

●  工程决算与审计;
    Accounts and audit of engineering;

●  土地利用总体规划编制;
    The overall land use planning;

●  规划调整与土地预审代理;
    The planning adjustment and land pre ;

●  土地专项规划编制;
    The preparation of land planning;

●  开发区节约集约利用评价。
    The Development Zone intensive use evaluation.

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